08 May 2013

Job Number Two.

And yes, I have finally announced the second job of which I posted up in Facebook last week. I know, you must be like, it's not a big deal and stuff. A few people actually asked and I kinda refused to tell and make them wait? Why did I do that I also don't know.. Just for the fun I think. You can see it in my Instagram on my sidebar. Follow me there if you want to :)

So yeah, started my nanny-job last night. Went home early after date night with Koay and slept next to both of them. Woke up a few times to feed her and burp her. I've gotta admit that it was tiring as I still need to go work the next day. But it is very rewarding.

Sha Lynn is such a smiley. She smiled so many times when I burped her. Ahhh the cuteness melts. As long as she's well fed with mommy's milk and she gets enough sleep, she's a good girl. She's a good girl MOST of the time. She only cries when she's hungry actually. Other than that, she's pretending to look at us and smile again. SMILING ALL THE TIME.

It's not gonna be like I sleep with them everyday because I still need to save my energy to drive around the island for work. So, it's alternate kinda thing. That way, I can still have date nights and hangout nights with people :)

I am so thankful for this God-given-blessing right here :)