30 March 2021

We Bought a New Stroller from Ergobaby!

Before this, I never knew Ergobaby had other babies related products other than their famous Ergobaby baby carriers - which are the most important baby items for us to date. It is a lifesaver when your baby becomes cranky (whether at home or outside). Put them on with a baby carrier and they almost immediately calm down and goes to sleep. 

I remembered going through a lot of reviews back and forth when deciding which brand to get for baby carriers but ended up with Ergobaby although they are slightly more expensive than other brands. I was more comfortable with getting a genuine one (even though had to pay more) because I did not want to go through any "accidents" due to faulty/lousier materials. I was not gonna take any risks, to be honest. 

When this brand was mentioned for stroller suggestions, I was a little surprised! So, I spent an entire day doing more research and watching videos, and comparing strollers.

I don't know how most people do its comparison when it comes to strollers (or car seats and whatnot), but for me, every stroller that caught my attention - I compared them with Babyzen Yoyo+ and I try to get one that is closest to Babyzen Yoyo+ (if possible) but with the price around RM1,000. 

I saw a video where this lady was doing a comparison between a Babyzen Yoyo+ (exactly like our previous one) and an Ergobaby Metro+ Compact City Stroller 2020. She mentioned that she has tried quite many different types of strollers and these two are her top favorites (I think!). 

At the end of her video, she said that she actually prefers the Ergobaby Metro+ Compact City Stroller 2020 because she finds it easier to use and handle. 

She lives in Hong Kong and she uses the stroller with her baby everyday to everywhere. Very similar to my situation. Not that I am based in Hong Kong. But I need to use the stroller every day with Sofia and no, I cannot carry her in and out every day because hello, she is already at the 10KG mark (she is not overweight please), and my back is gonna break if I do it every day. Heh. 

So, when she said she preferred the Ergobaby to the Babyzen, I was very interested to find out more. To cut the long story short, I finally texted Adrian and told him that we would go for the Ergobaby and he texted GoodealBB and reserved one unit. 

Here is another read on the comparison between Babyzen Yoyo+ and Ergobaby Metro Compact City Stroller 2020 - if you are interested. 

We went to the shop to collect it the next day and now, I am happily enjoying it. 

The back wheels are bigger than the front wheels so it really feels very steady and super nice to push around. Also, it's a bonus that the black color and material make it so chic and pretty please. I am a sucker for pretty things - no surprises here. 

In all honesty, I would have chosen red but the shop only has black - so black it is. Luckily the black very nice indeed. 

When folded, it is slightly smaller than the current one though a bit heavier, heavier is good cos it is a lot steadier. 

Here's a video of how to open and close it by Adrian and like any other strollers, you need to practice to make it a smooth thing to do. So yeah, that is our take on our current stroller (hopefully the last one so no need to buy another one). 

Till next time, bye now.