25 November 2014

Wrong Place, Wrong Time.


This is insane.

One of my dispatch got into an accident and had to take 2 months off to be well again.

The funny thing was he wasn't even in the whole "accident" arena.

He was on his bike waiting at a traffic light. There was another bike on the opposite direction, waiting at a traffic light too. It was quite a distance because it's one of the main roads along Jelutong Expressway right.

Another car came from behind the other bike and rammed into the man. The man fell off I think and one of the metal thing that was on his bike flew across the traffic light junction and hit Koyan's (my dispatch) leg and broke it.

Yes, broke his leg.

He wasn't moving so that explains why he couldn't escape the flying metal that was coming towards him. 

So, that's why I have been so busy lately. The other day, I had to go to 12 corporate in a day to pass documents, collect cheques, give calendars etc. For the next 2 months, the sales team shall also be the dispatch team. 

Then, another new colleague of mine got into another bike accident and she needed to stay at home to make sure her head is fully okay. I'm not sure how the accident happened. All I know was her head was hit. 

Be careful on the road guys.