AKI stands for Alumni of Keele-ers International
(consists of all the amazing people, like *coughsMEcoughs*)
We have been working on this project/event for many months now. It's a night where children from different kindergardens would come together and enjoy the night with planned programme for them to enjoy. Also, to celebrate Mooncake Festival with them. The whole idea is to raise funds for charity (by selling mooncakes and on donations).
We did the same thing 2 years back and the response was great, that's why we decided to do it again this year. All our donations are given to Nasom Penang (National Autism Society of Malaysia) and Ruyi Home (for the underpriviledged children with single parent). Both of these amazing NGOs also participated in our event that night (no kindergardens this year which I think was good seeing that we didn't have a lot of manpower, heh)
So, the last day that we could still raise funds was Saturday itself and we have a team who went to Chung Ling on Friday and I joined them on Saturday. Students don't really buy mooncakes cos it's pretty expensive for students and we didn't think that they would carry at least RM15 in the pocket to school so we decided to open it up for donations, at any amount! There are students who even donated 50 cents (such kind souls to really wanna help these children even with their last few cents!)
after spending 45 minutes of saying loudly "Donation for the autistic children" to every students who walked pass by us to go to the canteen (the only way to canteen), I decided to write it on the board (why didn't I figured this earlier. Hmm)

drank this once years ago. Saw it in the canteen and a happy girl, I was indeed.
the team behind all the raising funds (they were at KDU almost everyday) You guys, best!
the two boys decided that they would sit down and let the pretty girls 'attract' the boys'! So, I gave them work to do! Haha. Cut out the decorations, which they happily did.
we ladies memang powerr! We collected around RM300 on cash donations and RM200 plus on mooncake sales. All that happened within the two and half hours in Chung Ling. Wow :)
After Chung Ling, we went back to college to meet up with the rest of the team and head for lunch at New World Park, where Koay and I had probably the worst bak kut teh, ever! And while the rest went back to college to prepare other materials (for lantern making), Koay and I went to APT for our RM5's hair cut and hair wash! Afterall, the emcee needs to relax first before the night starts, heh!
stage and deco.
foyer (notice the not-alligned-red-lanterns-behind-the-banner)
buffet area (p.s I did the printed colored words. Nice, yes?)
food catering from Homes Chef Garden (partly sponsored by them as its a charity event)
yummy chocolate cake sponsored by mommy :)
sunquick orange drink with lots of ice.
After all the setting up and months of hard work, it's finally the time to kick start the night. The helpers were all dressed in either blue or white. All the handsome boys and drop-dead-gorgeous girls were ready to rock the night and making sure those kids will go home with smiles and lots of goodies! :)
oh! and we've got some supports from the home yo!
speech by the Head of Business Department, Mr. Prakash and Vice President of AKI, Vernon.
our supporters. Not many in numbers but it was great!
first up: Mikael's stroytelling session on how Mooncake Festival existed. All the kids laughed, all the helpers laughed and all the teachers laughed! Mikael oh Mikael, such joker.
then, it was coloring timeee! All kids' favorite time (okay, maybe not all. I never really liked coloring when I was young)
they gave their 100% because it's a contest! Three winners to walk away with three amazing prizes! (I had no idea what the prizes were, btw)
the boy on the right is cutenessss overload wei.
dinner after that.
all the hungry people in the world unite.
the next activity is making lanterns! This, the kids love.

Mikael guiding the kids step by step.
the emcee also jaga kids. syiok betuii!
After making lanterns, we also gave away ready made cartonned lanterns. I was actually telling them that there's only one lantern left and who wants it, and their happy reactions were priceless.
of course they were more happy when they found out that they each get one with lighted candles too!
so, we took them out for few rounds in college, to the darker areas. emcee jadi lantern-guide.

seeing pretty lighted up lanterns held by wonderful kids and the joy on each their faces, really priceless.
and we sang 'twinkle twinkle' (don't know other songs d. haha)
oh, I'm so happy looking back at the pictures la.
they also blew the candles to the count of 3. Oh how I love kids when they are this obedient! :)
PRIZE GIVING! (at this point, most of the helpers were quite tired d and I was pretty much losing the voice but the kids, they were more jumpy than ever!) They all left the place with goody bags each!
the group picture.
and because we had so much fun and it was a great night, here's another photo of us :)
one HEART brings one SMILE.