27 February 2014

Itchy Hand.

I don't know why I decided to try on a new facial product when the previous one suits me just nicely and keeps my face so clean and smooth.

Now, ever since I use this new one, my face is like pimples habitat or something. FROM WHERE THEY COME FROM?

Or is it because of my stress lately? Or the weather? 

Okay, now I'm confused..

Anyways, have to waste money and get the previous one and this current one cannot use d lo. Sad case.

Maybe because the previous one has this on the front of the tube/bottle, ANTI AGEING.

MUST BE BECAUSE OF THIS that makes me want to change brand. Haha. 

It is a sign of me getting old when I start using this kind of product and loving it sumore.

Olay, here's one loyal customer in your list. Anything anti ageing eh, just send me an email about it. I will probably give it a try. 

Okay, I'm not actually that desperate to try on products that can make me look younger. I AM ALREADY NOT LOOKING LIKE MY AGE, which is totally 150% fine with me :)

Seven more days to Kim Chi Land.