21 January 2014

Nibong Tebal with Nine Humans.

Funfact#01: I love roadtrips!

It is no surprise for those who have known me for a while now that I love going for roadtrips. Even better if can spend a night or two at wherever-we-go. 

Places like Genting Highlands, must stay at least a night. Cameron Highlands at least two nights. If go cold places like these, stay more night more fun whattt.

Anyways, once work-life started, it's very difficult to go for trips like that. Spontaneous trips lagi no need to say. So, when Public Holiday hits on weekdays, we must always make it to full use. GO FOR ONE DAY TRIP!

This time, it was going to be Nibong Tebal. Nothing much to do there actually. It was more of a eat-eat-and-eat kinda trip. Initially, I thought it was just going to be just both of us but we decided the more the merrier.

We went in two cars. All nine of us. Oh ya. Next time we have outings, anyone can join okayy? Like I say, THE MORE THE MERRIER! But of course everything is at own expense :)

We left the island at about 11:30am and slowly drive to the first place to mam mam. Then, we drove to a shop which sells jerseys, shoes, sports pants, sports equipment etc. A friend of ours actually introduced this shop to us like 4-5 years ago? He especially love this shop because the sports pants that he bought many years ago still usable and is actually very comfy. 

I got myself a pair of sport shoe, he got a couple of sports pants, Josh got a sports pant, and the rest I don't know if they got anything from there. It definitely feels like we need to go back there because now I need to get those sports pants. THEY ARE TOO COMFY and they are only like RM10 each! :)

Then, we drove to the famous coffeeshop that sells a few nice hawker food and iced kacang and shaved ice etc. 

It didn't matter if we just ate my favorite pork soup noodles like few hours ago, we still ordered like we haven't eaten lunch :)

After that, we decided to drive to Bukit Merah since it's only 15 minutes away. We wanted to go somewhere to wait till dinner time to have CRAB PORRIDGE! The only thing was it was such horrible dinner. New restaurant and a few times when I was there, people were standing up waiting for tables, so I assumed that it was either super good or super cheap. NEITHER OF THAT. Pffft. 

All in all, I had lots of fun. We went to the mini zoo, which was shockingly fun.

Funfact#02: I love going to the zoo!

Just sitting by the lake..


Waiting for the animal show to start.

Upon seeing this, Gary said, "Eh! Got ostrich here also ah?"

Last time with S2, it's IMPOSSIBLE to capture this kind of shot. Goldii memang best.

His butt is more kiau than anyone I've ever known. 

Feeding ducks and giving them names :)

 Muka sini banyak round. 

They have the LONGEST tongue ever. No kidding. One day I'll post the video.

We learnt that hedgehogs are all born blind.

Small kids all excited to be in the zoo.

 Famous for its ice blended drinks (peanut, fresh orange, red bean etc) and hokkien ta and super cheap too!

The place to get sports pants, whether for sports purpose or as pajamas. Thumbs up :)

Saja syiok!

Such a lovely day :)

Till  next public holiday guys.

20 January 2014

Two Years Together.

blessed second year, adrian koay.

19 January 2014


Reporting live from youth park. 

Four hours ago, I was super motivated to run/jump/run again to start the get-fitter-operation. Then when the physical gets here, everything shuts down. Literally. New shoes so what. Lazy to the max. Maybe I'll just blame the age. Heh. 

And I kinda just enjoyed Magnum Chocolate & Strawberry while seeing people sweat. 

Okay time to balik kampung! :)

16 January 2014

A Lot of Coconuts.

For the first time in my life, I saw a lot of people throwing young coconuts on the tar road and IT LOOKED SUPER FUN!

At the same time, I felt WHATTTT! WHY WASTE MY COCONUTS!?


Tomorrow is a public holiday guys :)

15 January 2014


I don't know what went wrong.

Woke up this morning at 4am-5am feeling all weird out.

A feeling that's just there. 

It's so uncomfortable kind of feeling and it creeps all over my body making me having such a difficult time to close my eyes and rest. 

I remembered myself holding onto my pillow so tightly and praying till I fall asleep. IT WAS SO UNCOMFORTABLE!

I don't know what that is or how it happened but it better stop tonight. It's too uncomfortable I don't even know how to begin explaining it. Although I kinda explain quite a lot on top d. Haha.

Tuesday has gone by pretty quickly don't you think? I did some shopping with the ladies and spent the while evening at home. Cooked my ramen with some cabbages and watched Total Blackout

Boyce Avenue, please make a tour to Malaysia. Anywhere in Malaysia also can. I go find you!

Okay guys, one more day then it's a longer weekend that I desperately need. DESPERATELY!

13 January 2014


I have been to the office for eight days straight in a row and waking up at 8am every morning.

This is no good.

I need the sleep.

Saturday and Sunday, I was attending a Leadership Training in the office and though it literally suck all the life of my weekends, I kinda enjoyed the entire training.

It was funny and informative. Surprisingly, I learned so much about things I never knew could change me and how I look at things now. 

One of it is how I will carefully choose my words, especially dealing with kids. 

I'm glad that I went for the training.

Now, my brain is so not in its order to do anything. It's not really Monday blues kind. It's just tomorrow is a public holiday and there is no moo whatsoever in the office to make people want to do anything. 

Now I'm just pure mumbling. 

Today needs to end soon. Sooooon.

10 January 2014

Our Mini-Sized Love.

I love this baby to bits.

She is the world's bossiest baby, BUT I still love her to bits.

09 January 2014

The Ugly Truth.

Slowly getting more comfortable with 2014. 

The past few months haven't been easy with so many things on the plate. What makes it even tougher is the boy is still going through his quarter life crisis. What suck about this is that there is not much that I can help him with except to make sure he smiles everyday, whether one time or more. Everyday must at least be silly once to make him smile. I guess it will help him go through it better. I guess. 

I went through it and hated it. I don't think anyone can escape it, I think. However, mine isn't as worse as the boy's. Either that, or he's just really sucked into it and stuff. I don't know.. 

Nine days into it and I can now say that it's going to be a long year. It's going to feel forever to reach to the last month of 2014. Here I am in January, hoping that December is already here. Hmm.

Two nights ago, Koay and I had a long conversation about the now and the future. Boy, its one of those conversations that we enjoy, although there were mini arguments here and there. We did however ended the talk with smiles and hugs :)

It leaves me thinking about how impossible it is for couples to never argue at all. For one person to always give in and thus avoid all arguments, that's impossible. Seriously.

It doesn't matter how similar you both are, you will still argue. Big things or small, sure argue. 

When I look at the both of us, I can safely say that there are more similar things than there are not. We see eye to eye in almost anything, but then sure somewhere got something that we don't. 

We've been friends for about 5 years now. Okay, more like 3 years of great friendship and 2 years of amazing relationship. Even when we were just buddies, we already started arguing on certain things. To the point people used to think that we were a couple or something. 

But no. Not that time. I guess that's kinda the thing that brought us closer and then we became best friends. If we didn't argue 4-5 years ago, I don't think we could ever be best friends like that. 

Come and think about it. How Josh and I became really close at one point from just being childhood buddies was something similar. We started arguing first. Not those couple kind but still, we've had our days of not-talking-to-each-other kind. 

So yeah. 

Healthy arguments bring two people further together, I believe. 

It is always better to talk things out than to keep it in there somewhere.

I don't know why I'm talking about this but I guess, stepping into a new year and going to celebrate our two years together made me realize one important thing. 

It's no secret that I am a bossy person and sometimes I do tend to want things go my way. I'm quite a kiasu person. For years, I have offended people unknowingly and not many people actually dare to come up to me and tell me and guide me (sort of). Very very few actually. Or probably none, if you don't count my family.

And then there's Koay. 

The first person who is not afraid to tell me off when I needed an attitude adjustment. For the first few times, I didn't take it well. I mean, obviously right? 

But over the years as a best friend (even before we have feelings for each other), he never fails to be that one person who constantly became my 'alarm clock'. 'Alarm clock' because everytime I said something that I shouldn't have or how I react to a person/scenario, he will tell me. Of course after we got together, the 'alarm tone' became "I love you babe".

So when he says that to me out of a sudden, I knew I had to re-think of what I did/say. Often I will give my explanation, but it usually smack me back on my own face. Hahaha.

I like how he doesn't care if I was going to get angry or hurt or something, but hey, someone has got to be the one, right. 

Thankful for this strict but sweet angel :)

Okaylah. This could be the post for him for our second year anni coming up so soon :) Lazy to write another post for Koay d. Haha. 


08 January 2014

Total Blackout Is Total Fun!

Just as the name says it. It's a reality TV show where it's almost similar to Fear Factor. 

The players are to do certain things in a completely dark room. It's so black/dark that they can't even be able to see their own hands right in front of their eyes.

Some of the things that's in their "game" are smelling random items and then identify them. Other rounds would be touching things in an empty glass case and identify them. There's actually many more different ones, like eating something off someone's body.

So the father has been talking about this show for about a week. Imagine since last week he kept reminding us that at this time on this day we all cannot watch other things. MUST WATCH AXN.


I actually can't remember when was the last time we all laughed so hard at a TV in the living room. IT WAS SO HILARIOUS I TELL YOU! You just gotta watch it. I KID YOU NOT. SURE BEST ONE HOUR OF YOUR LIFE. Laugh like that and sure burn some calories. CONFIRM.

Anyways, one of the things that made me laughed quite a bit and at the same time disgusted is this *looks below*

It's just geli okayyy! Some of the answers were, "Is it a rabbit?", "It smells like an animal" etc. OH MY GOODNESS!

The smelling isn't as funny as when they need to touch to tell what the item is. You just gotta see how the people react when they didn't even touch anything. Got one lady reacted till so extreme and cursing all the way when her hand touched some feathers of a feather duster. Goodness. SO FUNNY LAA!

If you're having a not-so-good day, this is a good boost. I didn't have the most pleasant night but that one hour turned it around. Boy, just go Youtube and watch it will you! PLEASE! 

07 January 2014

Goldii Jumped.

This morning.

In office.

It was on top of a flattened table calendar.

My huge comfy chair swept the calendar and both jumped unwillingly. 

The thing was I didn't even know that Goldii was already on the floor. There was no sound at all. 

It was just that sudden feeling that I had that pushed me to just turn behind and check on Goldii, which was charging at that moment. 

My eyes saw an empty table/shelf. Heart straight sank a lil. Turned to the floor and it was covered by the calendar.


Picked it up and press here and there. Everything seems okay so should be okaylah. So I try convincing myself. 

That's a quite a high drop actually. 

Aiya, nevermind lah. 

It taught me to not take worldly things so precious. The WORLD will fail me always and I shall put all my hope and strength and faith in the One that never fails.

Not yesterday. Not today. Not tomorrow.

I'm secure in the Perfect Man :)

06 January 2014

ROOTED Appreciation Dinner.

Youth Camp 2014 was weeks ago. Wuuuut! Don't know why good times always seem to go by quicker eh. Pffft.

Anyways, we had our annual appreciation dinner last night and no, this time no choo char. We all had two in one bbq steamboat. How to have choo char within the budget with 20 hungry youth?! How?!

Most of the group leaders joined us this time and I would like to think that they all had a lot of fun cooking on their own and eating their end product, while sweating away :)

I think it must be the age because I used to enjoy this kind of meal gatherings. Now, I just want to sit down in an aircond room and be served. Hah. Instead of sweating inside out, eating burnt meat or overcooked vege in tomyam soup. Oh ya by the way, INDY COOKS REALLY YUMMY BUTTER CHICKEN/FISH/VEGE! Okaylah, last night I'm quite okay because Indy cooked and took the drinks for me. My favourite number four indeed :)

Ended the night with a glass of Iced Mocha at Coffee Elements, All Seasons.

Good Sunday is good.

02 January 2014

Different and New.

Just like that, it's already second day of the new year.

"It has been 22 hours since 2014 hit us." My dad said last night after grocery shopping at Tesco.

Then, it really shook me. It's seriously the second day already today?

I spent my whole night last night doing don't know what. I know for sure I wasn't sleeping. I was awake, scratching my head and my fingers, constantly looking at the windows to see if the sun is up, looked at my phone a thousand times but did not once went into any social media. It hit me. The reality of 2014 hit me in the middle of the night. What a perfect timing.

Year in, year out. Just like that, 25 years of my life passed. TWENTY FIVE! Seriously? I'm so not anywhere near ready to be 26 and more. 25 has gotta be my maximum age. Haha. Growing old is too painful. At least I look younger than my real age la so it isn't that bad as I thought it would be. 

Anyways, since this is the first post of 2014, it's different :)

This post is actually dedicated to a good friend whom I've worked alongside with for the past 10 years. One decade man. That's crazy stuff. For a whole stretch of 10 years, it has always been great to be serving God with this man. It's not always oh-we-work-so-well-together-that-we-never-argue kind, but it is we-help-each-other-to-grow and God-experienced kind. We have our ups and downs. Many many of ups and downs actually. But at the end of the day, we still enjoy each other's company in serving the fireBRANDS. Despite the many differences, we always manage to work things as a team. 

Then, last night after saying a few really nice things in our fireBRANDS Council group chat, he left. I'm not saying it as a bad thing. I guess when I saw 'Leroy left', it hit me even more that 2014 is going to be a different and new. 

Different because the one person that I go to everytime I needed to make a fireBRANDS-related decision or anything of the ministry, it's him I go to, the wise man. And now, it's different. Not that I don't go to the other two handsome councils. It's just different. It's not a bad-different. It's just different.

New because I'm like the last one from the senior time that still serves the young people. WHY YOU ALL LEAVE ME! WHYYY!? Kiddinglah. I miss all of you, crazy bunch of humans. Judson.. Daniel.. Leroy.. Ian.. Salako..

So yeah. One thing I'm thankful for, is the friendship that I've gained despite of the decisions that were made two years ago. Le Roy, you have been a blessing from up above to not only me but also Adrian. And WhatTwoEatHere (in case you all didn't know, Le Roy designed our name card for us). It's been so goood working alongside with you :) We are excited to see what God has planned for you and you're gonna be great because you are specially marked by Him :)

Friendship of 12 years and many more years to come :)

Try not to cry Le Roy. Now you got no choice but to read my blog! Muahaha!

30 December 2013

Apple and Cars and Christmas Dinners.

Now that I've gotten use (kinda) to using this apple thing, I find it super annoying that to transfer photos and videos, it has to be via itunes. My only problem now is I haven't even downloaded them into my laptop and I have no idea at all how to use it.

That explains why my blog is so empty these few weeks. Also, www.whattwoeathere.com!

I have photos since Christmas and it's now all stuck in the goldii. 

Aiyaaa! Tomorrow only do lah since I half day leave! :)

Outstation cars, would you please just park your car in the shopping malls and only leave when the rest of the real Penang people are home and away from the streets. Thank you.


So I decided to blog about all my Christmas dinners tonight since I'm watching Men In Black 3 and my hands are kinda free. 

The photos will be in random (as usual) because I'm seriously too lazy to do it in orders. Maybe I should really post an update on a dinner next time, instead of combining all into one. Heh.

Alright, so this year there were so the very many dinners that I went to. Eat non-stop I tell you. It's crazee because the food were so amazingly delicious and for sure, the kilograms naik like mad also.

Okay, so here are some photos. Very very few because I err.. I don't know why.. I just don't feel like posting a lot?

Crazy how time sneakily passes through. Pfft.

27 December 2013


I really really want to post up photos and blog about Christmas. 

Really really want to.


The celebration of the birth of the Perfect Man isn't near over yet.

So many dinners in the span of few days.

Will be back soon.

I need to get back all the sleep I missed.

24 December 2013

Five S.






i finallys gets to holds the phone in mys hands.

i is verys a happys girl todays.

the s behind is on purpose.

Go check my Instagram photo! Love ittttt! :)

23 December 2013

The Last Month.

Oh wow.

It has been way too long since I came here. Wow.

I so miss this place. This precious place.

So, what have been taking all my time that I have none at all to come in here and post something?

Err.. Quite a lot I think. I'll just be UNorganized and simply put up photos NOT according to the actual timeline.

Vanessa Khoo kena dengue.

Our first Indian Wedding punya ceremony.

Worked two days at Queensbay Mall for this amazing brand.

Painted ze nails turquoise just the night before ROOTED 2013.

Watched 50 young kids over lunch and ride to Harvard Golf & Country Resort.

Did not miss a session of Physical Jerk at all.

Morning sun is the best.

Youngest and noisiest camp staff resting.

Sport shoe buka mulut and ditinggalkan di hotel. Bagus sekaliii :)

A Contiki shades and a very injured-but-getting-better-handsome-neighbor :)

Last night's supper at the hall where everyone had their 30 seconds of going crazy :)

Trafalgar Launching at The Suffolk House. The restaurant is BEAUTIFUL!

Steven and Petch's Rocking Wedding at Hard Rock Hotel.

I believe I have more things in this last month, but since the phone that I'm currently using is not very camera-friendly so yeah. And also I don't know where are all the Whatsapp photos in this phone. Can't seem to view them when I connect it to the computer. Bleh.

This month hasn't even end yet and there's too many things going on already. Also, December is like the best month ever because the perfect man was born. But then again, it's also the month where the pocket gets empty faster than all the months combined. Hahaha.

I had so much fun wrapping the gifts for my family and friends, though Vanessa actually did more of the folding of the mini bags and mom helped me with the boys' gift wrapping. Oklah, I'm super blessed. Koay sumore do all the cutting papers and putting tapes on them :)

I practically just put the gifts into the mini bags and sealed them. Hahaha.

I foresee more posts coming because tis' the season to be jolly! Falalala.. lalalala.

15 December 2013

Where Got.

Where got mood to do anything today! Camp is like hours away. 

More like a week-long-holiday awaits :)

Working for twelve hours since yesterday isn't all that bad.

Got live drama for us to watch, right in front of where our booth is located. There's just this one girl who lifeless-ly sits on the bench in front of us whole day doing nothing since Thursday except looking at her Samsung and eat her tapau-ed food there and then, while waiting for her friend who works in Body Glove, who also appears to be like her boyfriend tomboi style. So yeah.

They even argued last night, which had the girl ended up crying. Both also girls la okay. Both also having hormones change.

But good lah cos then time for us passed very quickly.

Now, I just had to post something because I'm so restless and tired now. 

I need more sleep than I thought. 

This is torturing.

13 December 2013

Tidur Tiga Kali.

I have no idea why this time I feel even more excited about youth camp.

It could be because somehow I knew God is going to be exceptionally real, and oh it excites me so much to see that happen.

To see life changed and hearts soften.

It is going to be beyond words.

Three more sleeps guys. Three more.

Of course, besides that I do think I deserve a-week-long break from work since I'll be working for almost twelve hours tomorrow and the day after. 

I have no time to pack at all. This is a nightmare. Hah.

11 December 2013

Absolute Shock.


This is unbelievable.

The last time I updated anything here is six days ago.

Wahhh. That just speaks so much of how busy I got over the past week. 

Honestly, if you ask me what have I been up to, I will struggle a bit and take some time to think about it.

Also, the fact that I have to use Koay's old phone for few weeks is kinda killing all the desire in me to take photos, check my Instagram, update my Facebook status and even blogging. This is such a sad sad thing.

But then again, I realized those are not in my priority list at all, for now. All that's in my calendar now is the Club Med Promotion that's happening in Queensbay Mall starting tomorrow till Sunday. Oh, and I will be working at the mall on Saturday till Sunday for the whole entire time. I'm not complaining for sure. I love selling Club Med packages. LOVE CLUB MED!

And the other thing is of course the fireBRANDS' Annual Youth Camp 2013 - ROOTED. Few more days and I'll be having five days of awesomeness. I can't wait :)

Okay, now back to work and youth camp stuff. 

Oh ya, please continue to pray for Vanessa as she's still in the hospital. She is getting better but very slowly. She's not allowed to go home just yet because her liver are not showing good signs. So that'll be more scans for her and stuff.

Thanks guys :)

05 December 2013


twenty days to the birthday of the perfect man.

it has been six-seven hours of sleep for a week already.

www.whattwoeathere.com's name card is ready.

there is no stock currently at any digi centre in Penang.

finds it difficult to believe that it's less than a month to 2014.

02 December 2013

Eat, Sleep, Rave, Repeat.

Title is based on a DJ's remix. Calvin something.. Not sure who.. Just thought need to clarify in case some of you actually think I went to one rave and got addicted to it or something.

Here's my take on my first rave, away from home.

We drove down to KL after work on Friday with Jack and Carmen. Coincidentally, it's also their first rave. It was actually Jack who suggested that we all go together since it's all our first time, and since it was only about RM100, we thought why not.

Crashed at a friend's place for the next two nights. All four people in one room. Not that bad actually. 

Slept in till about 11-ish on the Saturday and went shopping after lunch at Village Park. The nasi lemak is yummeh. Got a couple of tops in Uniqlo and had korean food for teatime. Kim chi stew has gots to be the best thing ever. Then, we all went home, had a quick rest and then it's off again on the road to Sepang. 

Eh.. No.. We went for bak kut teh first at SS14, or SS15. I can't tell. KL is too messed up. Haha. Anyways, the rave started at 5pm, but by the time we parked our car, it was already 8ish 9ish.. 

After the first "check in", I was lime, "Whoa! That'a lot of people here tonight and all late!" 

After the second and third check-ins, literally no words came out except, "Wow! Wow!" 

It's like all the youth in KL decided to all meet here isit? Not all youth also. I saw one auntie prolly in her fifties, dancing and enjoying to the remix. So cute.

So we walked in and there was obviously this huge crowd of people surrounding the front stage. We decided that we will try to get as front as we can to the stage. At this point, all I see from where we were standing (before we get into the sardine condition), was a rectangle box right in the middle of the stage. I cannot even see the DJ. He's like this little man. 

So we hold each other's hand and EJ led us through the people. All kinds of people I see and smell. Err yuckk. Probably half of the dudes out there were topless. I don't think they care whether their body in nice shape or not also, obviously. Oh, and people were sweating and shouting (or singing) and jumping. 

It was uncomfortable at first but it got better later on. It probably got better because I was already sweating and being pushed around. And all of them HAS TO BE TALLER THAN ME. I didn't see anything. Just jumped to the beat. Koay was behind me most of the time, with his two arms stretched out next to me. Almost like a bodyguard kind. How cute. 

We were having so much fun in there, despite me not seeing Avichii or any DJs since my eye-level view are mostly people's neck with sweats dripping, when Carmen and Christine felt very uneasy-want-to-faint-feeling (they are also short and I think there wasn't enough oxygen for them to breathe). So, we all forcefully try to get out from the crowd which was at this time, worse than when we went in. It was no more sardine packed. It was worse. Whatever that's worse than sardine-packed-crowd, that would be it.

I wasn't even like walking. People were just pushing from all directions. All also want to go front to see Avichii. Only us against the tide. Pure madness man.

This is when it all happens. All in the split of the second.

Christine was in front of me and Koay behind me, being the last man. Imagine this. We were trying to get out as fast as we could because Christine (whom I was holding tightly) was already like fainting so me (behind her) and Jack (in front of her) were making sure that she doesn't drop. In fact, there weren't any space for her to collapse also. 

Koay in the meantime, was half-pushing, half-walking and half-jumping. I cannot blame him because the songs were very upbeat and nice and gives you that jumpy-feeling. And since everyone else was also jumping, why not right. Haha.

At one point, I felt my small sling bag pulled to my back (it was in front of me earlier). Immediately I shouted. "BABE! MY BAG!" 

He couldn't figure out what I was saying and by the time I moved my right hand to grab it, the cover was already open, and my bag felt emptier than before. I couldn't do anything as it was too crowded. 

When we got out of the madness, I opened it. Lo and behold, the S2 wasn't there. 

I looked at Koay not believing what I was going to tell him. It was still quite loud so most of the talking was in shouting. Haha. For a while at least. 

"My phone is stolen!"

Koay being Koay, he obviously didn't hear what I said. 

"My phone is stolen!" His face was even more shocked than how I felt. I don't really know what I feel that time. I can't remember anymore.

The next 30 minutes or so, I just became quiet and so many things ran through my mind. Mostly of the things I need to do now that it's really stolen and gone. I felt very sad at one point because I thought all my photos are all gone too and Sha Lynn's videos. Then, I remembered that last week, I installed Dropbox. Heh. But the videos are really gone la. 

Anyways, it took me sometime to get back to that rave-mood. Obviously right? 

I actually do miss my S2. It's a very different feeling of when you actually getting a new phone and not using this anymore and suddenly it's taken from you. I didn't even get to like really hold it for one last time and touch the back cover (that's my fav part of the phone). It's so sad indeed. Never get to bid a proper goodbye to my still-look-and-feel-new-S2.

OH! AND WHILE GETTING OUT FROM THE CROWD, S BIGFOOT STEPPED ON MY FLIP FLOP AND LIKE LITERALLY TORE IT TO HALF OR SOMETHING. It felt like it was torn la. And my favorite red-Cotton On-flip flop left me too. I brought back the other side to give Vanessa, since she likes to wear too. Go keep for memory sake. Haha.

I was like this the whole entire time until we got into the car and then I just desperately put on his mom's slippers. Aunty-mode, on.

Oh and Koay wants to buat gaya all so he brought his shades. Also, because people keep telling us that the laser will hurt our eyes, which in fact it didn't at all. Got laser lights meh? So, he was wearing them and he jumped and it fell. Yep, and guess who was stepping on one of it's shades punya kaki? The biggest dude that area. I kid you not. Sumore so packed. Just imagine la. Haha. Such a happening night :)

Senget just like the owner :)

Avichii played his final song and ended the night with fireworks. Fireworks that actually make me go, "Wow!" a lot of times. And I mean A LOT OF TIMES. It's even better than when we celebrate New Year's Eve and stuff. It's a long one sumore. And we were standing at the most strategic place. It feels like the fireworks were for us :)

Going back was horrible because of the jam. Since Christine needed to go back Singapore in few hours time and LCCT is so near, we all decided to makan supper there. Best decision ever. I HATE JAMS.

So yeah. My take on rave. Love ittt. Will I go for more next time? Definitely! :)

We all slept in on Sunday. Jack and Carmen stayed back till Monday so it was only us for the whole 4 hours journey. 

Before we went to ever famous banana leaf rice, Nirvana at Bangsar, we dropped by Groupon to collect my three beautiful blue babies! Ahhh. Feels so good to have them in my hands now :) 

The bitter gourd is yummms. Best thing is that it can be refilled million of times :)

Overall, I had a very dramatic and happening weekend. I lost a phone, but I did not lose anything else. Oh, lost all contacts too AGAIN. How funny heh.

Armin next year, anyone? 


29 November 2013

Hot Couple.

She's drop-dead gorgeous.
He's so very good-looking.

Hot couple.

Okaylah, you also very cute lah :)

27 November 2013

Girlie Goal.

So, we are now in the process of sending our Art Director's hardwork to get it printed and then we could start distributing them :)

I wish I have a personal assistant that can do all this things for me. Not only for WhatTwoEatHere, but for my work too. Like when they want me to call up cafes or hotels to do conference and all this. Though I kinda enjoy them, I think I would enjoy having a personal assistant more. Bossy me. Hah.

Maybe next time, in the future, my rank will entitle me to a personal assistant. I sure will demand high pay for her, because working for me must be quite tough. Hahaha. And it'll definitely be a girl because girl can multitask better than guys. Oh, and she can become my fashion person too since I don't really have a very good sense of clothing and up to trend kinda thing. Personal shopper. Hmm.. All that sounds so good lah!

I shall work hard to get to my goal. Hahaha.

What a goal huh.

two more sleeps till mad city.